Surveying Services

Surveying Services

Party Wall Dispute Resolution
If you intend to carry out building work at your property that involves excavating foundations in close proximity to your neighbours, building on or adjacent to the boundary or carrying out internal structural alterations affecting the party wall, then you may need to enter into a formal Party Wall Agreement with the adjoining owner.  We have extensive experience in dealing with Party Wall disputes and can offer competitive rates for our services.

Building Surveys
We can undertake full Building Surveys, involving a full detailed inspection and investigation. While any destructive opening up on site would be limited by the vendor, we will carry out a full inspection of all accessible areas and where we have concerns, would make further recommendations for opening up where considered necessary.  

Structural Investigation and Building Defects  
Do you have a particular problem with your property that needs investigating? We can provide a tailored service to look at specific defects. For instance, if you have concerns with structural cracking, subsidence or dampness in your property. Findings are presented in report format with recommendations made as appropriate for remedial works or further investigation.

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